Monday, April 6, 2009

The “Bare Bones” Qualities of an Effective Leader (EF):


The EF communicates timely, specific, reasonable expectations and directives. Team member understand their individual role and how they impact the team and the organization.


The EF has a genuine “open door” policy. Team members are comfortable approaching the EF with questions, concerns, or ideas. The EF makes time for team members.


The EF doesn’t withhold information from the team. The EF promptly disseminates information from management meetings, learning workshops, reports etc. An informed team is focused and proficient.


The EF treats everyone the same – with respect, courtesy, and fairness. There are no favorites or scapegoats.


There will be times when an individual or situation needs to be addressed. The EF confronts issues immediately.


The EF finds opportunities to give the team credit for accomplishments. Conversely, the EF accepts the blame and does not allow anyone to mistreat any member of their team.

We’ll take a closer at each quality in a future article.